Become a Subcontractor

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/ Payment

Prequalification Applicants

# Before you get started you will need the following information to complete the application
  • List of company license numbers
  • List of sales tax numbers
  • List of employment insurance numbers
  • List of insurance agreements
  • List of current projects
  • List of recently completed projects
  • Current financial statement
  • Credit references
  • Bank information
  • Surety information
  • 3 supplier references
  • 3 contractor references

/ Payment

Get Paid Sooner, Faster

/ Known payment timing
Within five days (usually two to three days) of owner approval of the payment application
/ Get paid when we do
You get paid instantly when the owner pays us, eliminating risk of late payment
/ Improved cash flow
Receiving your payment early strengthens your balance sheet and frees up your debt capacity
/ Convenience
Just fill out our simple form to apply and get enrolled within 24 hours
/ Flexibility
You get paid instantly when the owner pays us, eliminating risk of late payment
/ Payment Garantee
Receiving your payment early strengthens your balance sheet and frees up your debt capacity